Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Good Day

Hello Rasmalia here, its my first write on blog
Samarinda the city where I live and so nice here, with mom and one cat my lazy cat, you can see that cat on picture, hei cute kitty right, my cat name "rindu" I don't know why my mom give that name.
usually I like to go to gym and all about healthy life I am so interest specially about diet, sport, and body building very nice to share as you know my first weight is 71 kg so fat because my high just 155 cm huff that's to short and fat yea, but I am happy now I am 65 kg, still weigh yea.. I will talk about this again in another time

I am work in health department I mean Puskesmas in Indonesia I am a nurse, so busy on work day and happy for this job meet people and share all about healthy life

I will spent my time to take a rest and fun on weekend, hang out or cook with mom and friends and happy sing a song also. Boyfriend.? hm still single here and I will tell you if I got one ups..!! that's so private 

I am sorry use English on my first write and I will use Indonesia language next time, today I just want to improve my English well, ya if you have all about nice think and health life tips please tell me
for all of you who read my blog I wish can be your nice friend's and I am happy for that I will and please smile for me :)
